

Nursery is provided for children from birth to five during worship and the Sunday School hour. The nursery is located on the second floor behind the sanctuary. The nursery is staffed by trained attendants and experienced volunteers who ensure the safety and care of Hillyer’s youngest friends.

Children Worship & Wonder

Children Worship & Wonder invites children to experience the wonder and mystery of God through engaging storytelling and multi-sensory materials. This program is offered during the Sunday School hour (9:45 AM) for children ages three to ten in the classrooms on the second floor behind the sanctuary. You can learn more about our program here.


We love having children participate in Sunday morning worship services and there are a variety of ways for them to lead and engage with the service. We also know that an hour can be a long time for a child to remain in one spot. Children’s Church provides the opportunity for children in grades K-2nd to begin service with their parents and then have a time for their own Bible lesson and activity while the adults listen to the sermon.


Our children’s choir performs regularly throughout the year. They meet on Sundays at 9:45am for rehearsals with our Director of Music, Julie Ricciardi and her team. Julie’s background as an elementary education teacher makes her the perfect person to cultivate a love for songs of faith as she brings out the very best in each child.

Family Service Projects

We want our children to know that following Jesus is not just about what we receive. Serving others is a way we grow to be more like Christ and share God’s love with others. Children and families are regularly invited to put their love for God into action through family-friendly service projects.


Growing in faith doesn’t just happen at church or on a Sunday morning. We’re here to support your family with resources, ideas and encouragement as your family lives out your faith in your daily lives. One of our favorite ways to do this is by offering workshops with faith-focused Christmas and Easter ideas you can try at home.

Summer Faith Formation Programs

Keep growing in faith all summer long! Check out some of our past summer programs below. 

Hillyer’s Backyard Bible Bash 

The Summer Faith Challenge