Forming Faith at Home

While the pandemic has paused our in-person children and family programs, the good news is that families are the most important part of faith formation. YOU are your child’s best teacher in a life of faith! This may sound overwhelming at first, but sharing faith at home doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Integrating faith in small ways into your family’s daily life can make a big difference over time. 

More good news: You don’t have to do this alone. We are here to support and resource you during the pandemic and beyond. Check out the resources below and contact Sarah Seibert for more ideas.

Allowing a little bit of God in each day can open a whole lot of space for God to work.
Backyard Bible Bash

Backyard Bible Bash

Learning the Lord’s Prayer

Learning the Lord’s Prayer

Easy Ideas to          Practice Faith at Home

Easy Ideas to
Practice Faith at Home